This is my personal blog. I’ll do my best to keep it updated but I make no promises! Posts are likely to be a mix of programming, data visualisation, statistics and personal topics.
Blog posts 
Immunity passports and Bayes theorem (08 April 2020) - stats and Bayes by dummies
Bayesian regression by dummy (22 March 2020) - stats and Bayes by dummies
Modelling disease mortality (30 January 2020) - stats and Bayes by dummies
Visualising data with R, htmlwidgets, and Javascript (28 November 2019) - programming and data visualisation
Jekyll and Rmarkdown (the wrong way) (14 November 2018) - programming and data visualisation
Dulce Et Decorum Est (11 November 2018) - personal
Package sites
Here are some links to R packages I’ve written or contributed to:
CRAN packages:
Package Description Version Downloads heatmaply Interactive cluster heatmaps in R. contrast Contrasts for linear models in R. iheatmapr Interactive complex heatmaps in R. bayefdr Bayesian estimation and optimisation of expected FDR and expected FNR. -
Package Devel Release Issues Pull requests scater snifter densvis BASiCStan - Misc:
- heatmaplyExamples:
Vignettes demonstrating the utility of heatmaply for various applications - plotlyutils:
Some functions for creating nice interactive plots using the plotly R and JS libraries. - nalar:
A personal R library I use for common analysis tasks. May be published on CRAN eventually. - plotlyvignettes:
Vignettes relating to my plotlyutils package. Was used as the basis for a talk at an Edinburgh Bioinformatics meeting (2018-11-08).
- heatmaplyExamples:
Teaching materials:
I have also contributed to and maintain some teaching materials:Name Website Source High dimensional statistics with R Carpentries Incubator GitHub Orchestrating single cell analysis (landing) Bioconductor GitHub Orchestrating single cell analysis (multisample) Bioconductor GitHub